Teaching method
La Pédagogie
ESLSCA Business School Paris has developed a model called ESLSCA Learning System which defines the rules of pedagogical construction to be respected within the framework of the development of programs.
Three essential and complementary pillars constitute the foundations of this model:
1. The Academic
The starting point is the academic pillar which allows the learner to acquire technical, scientific and managerial knowledge.
2. Know-how
This academic knowledge only makes sense if the learner has the opportunity to put it into practice throughout the course through projects and assignments that are handled individually or in groups. Experimentation takes place internally but also externally through internships or participation in open innovation challenges. It is the pillar of know-how
3. Expertise
Finally, the third pillar which complements the previous two is the expertise pillar. The ESLSCA courses must allow the student to gain expertise through the certifications offered to him but also through participation in conferences and master classes. In a way, this is the final step that validates business skills
Beyond business skills, we are aware that skills related to interpersonal skills, digital and CSR are essential and sought after by recruiters. It is in this sense that they are included in the method as skills that infuse all of the pillars.
The objective of the ELS is to enable the learner to become an increased ethical manager 4.0
Non-course activities
Throughout the course, the school offers its students extra-curricular activities that will give them the opportunity to study or strengthen their knowledge in an extra-curricular setting. The school offers depending on the year of study:
- Thematic trips (MBA 2 Trading: in New York, IMBA 1 & 2: Business trip in Europe)
- Educational outings (MBA 1 & 2 Management and Marketing of Luxury and Fashion: visit to MBA Logistics creation workshops: visit to a commercial port)
- Participation in trade shows (example VivaTech)
- Attendance at conferences throughout the year the school organizes "ESLSCA Thursdays" conferences which give our students the opportunity to meet experts in their field of study.
- Participation in the organization of conferences or round tables (example MBA 1 & 2 International Business Law)